Ames Walker Blog

4 Tips to Help Reduce Swelling with Compression Wear After an Injury

Many types of injuries to the body cause swelling. These include bone fractures, muscle strains, and sprains to areas such as the arms, legs, and feet. According to the medical experts at Healthline, some of the most common reasons for swelling after an injury include a buildup of fluid and inflammation. If you notice a part of your body—such as your hand, leg, or knee—begins to enlarge, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Make sure you don’t have a break or serious reason for inflammation, such as bleeding. Once your injury has been checked out by a physician and stabilized, you’ll be free to rest and recover. Compression wear may be recommended by your doctor while you...

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3 Tips for Treating Lymphedema with Compression Wraps

Lymphedema, also referred to as lymphatic obstruction, is a condition in which excess fluid collects inside body tissues. The buildup of this fluid occurs due to a blockage in the lymphatic system, a complex network of vessels and organs that help maintain fluid balance. Swelling, also known as edema, may occur in various areas of the body, such as the arms, legs, or feet. Having the condition can make it difficult to control this fluid buildup. There is no cure for lymphatic obstruction, but it can be managed effectively. Compression wraps are one way to combat lymphedema and live more healthfully. Consider talking to your doctor about these products and other possible treatments. In the meantime, we’ll explain why compression...

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5 Tips to Improve Circulation in the Winter

When it’s cold outside, you may feel like it takes double the time to get moving. Swelling and stiffness can make your legs and feet uncomfortable in a season when all you want to do is sit back and relax. Instead of spending hours on the couch or staying in bed, there are things you can do to improve circulation in your legs this winter. In fact, a few simple activities can make your entire body feel much better. Try one or more of the following tips to enhance your wintertime routine. With just a few supplies and helpful hints, you’ll be on your way to feeling healthier and more energized. 1. Move Your Body When you sit or lie...

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5 Helpful Tips to Reduce Swelling in the Feet

Swollen feet occur for a variety of reasons. If you stand on your feet all day, you may notice discomfort and inflammation when you arrive home. Other common causes of swelling in the feet include a chronic health condition called lymphedema, as well as complications from diabetes, pregnancy and medication side effects. No matter the reasons for your symptoms, you want to feel better fast. How do you reduce swelling in the feet? While you work with your doctor to care for your health, try one of these helpful strategies. 1. Elevate Your Feet If you’re one of the many people who get inflammation in your feet throughout the day, try to keep them elevated as much as possible. When...

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Understanding Compression Sock Levels: Extra-Firm Compression Socks

We continue our series of compression level guides with a closer look at extra-firm compression socks. Discover what conditions extra-firm compression can help manage and who should talk to their doctor about wearing extra-firm compression. Then take a deep dive into three conditions that extra-firm compression is often used in the treatment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), severe lymphedema and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). What is extra-firm compression? Extra-firm compression socks fall into the range of 30-40 mmHg. (mmHg—a.k.a. millimeters of mercury—is a unit of pressure used for compression soc ks, blood pressure levels and other medical scenarios). Extra-firm compression can help manage conditions such as: Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) Moderate to severe lymphedema Moderate to...

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